Product-to-Person Automation
Whether it is called “product to person,” “goods-to-person” or even “goods-to-man,” it all means the same thing. Instead of having a person travel to a distant location in a giant distribution center to pick the one item of an SKU that you need, why not have the SKU come to the person? And the next SKU after that, and the next, and the next…
Unfortunately product to persons not a solution for every SKU in the distribution center. While product to person technology may work great for slow movers, it doesn’t make any sense for your fast-moving products. That is why you need a system integrator that understands how to do the math. We can find out where product-to-person technology can help you and where you might want to go with a different solution.
The technologies performing this function in a distribution center vary across industry and application, but the important takeaway is that these technologies have revolutionized how distribution centers — and supply chains — operate. If you are looking for material-handling technology that yields an impressive ROI, you need to talk to abco automation about product-to-person picking.